Causes and Natural Treatment of Obesity and Overweight

Causes and Natural Treatment of Obesity and Overweight

இந்த கட்டுரையின் தமிழ் வடிவம் உடல் பருமன் : காரணங்கள் மற்றும் தீர்வுகள் என்ற பக்கத்தில் உள்ளது


Obesity or Overweight can be due to four main causes

1. Primary Genetic Insulin Resistance
2. Not doing physical work and being the so called couch potato (Sedantary Life Style)
3. Diseases Related to Fat metabolism (Dyslipidaemias)
4. Eating Too Much. (also called Gluttony)


Of these,

If your Obesity and Overweight is due to Sedentary Life Style, you can reduce your weight and waist circumference by Walking, Jogging, Running, Swimming, Cardio, Lifting Weights etc
If your Obesity and Overweight is due to eating too much, you can reduce your weight and excess fat by eating less
If your Obesity and Overweight is due to Dyslipidaemias, you can reduce your weight and excess fat by appropriate treatment


If your Obesity and Overweight is due to Primary Genetic Insulin Resistance, the only way you can reduce weight is by taking Low Carbohydrate Diet. Running Miles in Treadmill or Starvation will not solve your problem


Causes of Obesity and Solutions


There was an extremely Wise Man who was searching for something in the park
A passerby enquired as to what he is searching
Our Wise Man told that he is searching for a hundred Rupee note
Since there was nothing there, the passerby again asked whether the note was lost here
Our Wise Man Replied that the note was lost in his home
Intrigued, the passerby asked as to Why he is searching the note in the park, while he had lost it in home
Oru Wise Man Replied that others are searching here and so he too would like to follow a balanced approach


This story is dedicated to All the Wise Man, who believe that they can correct the obesity due to Insulin Resistance by Eating Carbs and then Doing Exercises or by just reducing overall food intake leading to ketosis

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